Friday, February 15, 2008

End of Unit Project

End of Unit 2 Project

Task: Create a student handbook for the material covered in unit two. Your handbook should be student friendly.

Your handbook must include:
A cover with a title and author
Table of contents
For each topic, give:
Step by step instructions and how to solve
At least two examples following the instructions
Written piece: Where can this topic be seen or used in everyday life?
Answer key
Reflection (see below)

Required Topics:
Literal Equations
Simplifying Expressions
Exponents and scientific notation
Motion Problems
Coin/Value problems
Percentage Problems
Operations with polynomials (distributive property, FOIL, division)
TRI (a=1, a>1)
Solving Quadratics (including word problems!)
Rational Expressions

How did completing this project help you to better understand the unit? What topics did you find most challenging? Do you still feel this way?

Extra Credit:
Select one topic that you are interested in. Create a short story that leads to using that concept. Illustrate your story. For an example of what this may look like, ask your teacher.


Red/Blue - March 3rd

Green - March 5th

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Exam Topics

1. Distributive Property
3. Factoring
- Trinomial
- Rainbow (AC) method
4. Quadratic Equations
5. Word Problems
6. Rational Expressions (simplifying and performing operations)
7. Literal Equations
8. Exponents

REMINDER! All makeup homeworks need to be in your homework folder by Friday at the latest. They will be graded over the break!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Challenge #8 - First Ten Counting Numbers

For each challenge that you attempt, you must show all work and box your final answer to receive credit. DO NOT ERASE! It must be submitted hand written. Comments and emails will not be accepted. Remember, I cannot help you with these! Worth 3 points.

The Question:
Determine the smallest positive integer that is divisible by each of the first ten counting numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10).